Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements

Basic Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements For Students

Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements for international students are a list of criteria for international students interested in studying dentistry in Liverpool.

These Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements are targeted at helping international students secure admission into any school offering dentistry in Liverpool.

With these Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements, you could know your chances of securing admission at all dental schools in Liverpool as an international student.

However, each dental school in Liverpool has differently laid down requirements used in deciding students who are qualified to take any dental course at the university.

Examples of Such Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements are in form of language proficiency results, student knowledge of general education, student leadership, and management skill.

More importantly, you should know that students considered for the Undergraduate program to study dentistry at any Liverpool dental school or university are students who possess exceptional grades in core science subjects like chemistry, physics, biology, and Mathematics.

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Some Liverpool dental schools offering dentistry accept applicants based on the score or grades gotten by these applicants after taking the school’s entrance exam.

However, with these Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements, you have the opportunity of preparing and getting the necessary documents ready even before applying to your preferred Liverpool dental school.

Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements vary with respect to applicants’ home country, some applicants are required to complete a foundation course before they could study their preferred dental program.

It is necessary and indeed beneficiary to visit the online platform or website of your preferred dental school in Liverpool to ascertain the school’s requirements to help better your chances of securing admission.

To be honest studying dentistry at any Liverpool higher institution of education is indeed interesting you get to learn from experienced dental tutors.

Dental courses or programs at any Liverpool higher institution of education are indeed research-based, you get to learn through practicals and you get involved in the practice yourself.

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due to the continuous teaching and research-based training offered at these Liverpool dental schools, students are assured of gaining a great level of clinical competency even before graduation.

Dental professionals are increasingly in high demand due to the significance of oral health care in the life of every individual, individuals tend to either maintain their teeth or treat dental issues.

Interested in studying dentistry at any university abroad, then Liverpool is the best destination for you. let’s dive deep into this great article: Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements.

Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements

Dentistry at any Liverpool dental school is aimed at training students into becoming well-seasoned and cultured dental professionals.

This dental degree course in Liverpool has a well-structured curriculum that will produce skilled dental professionals that will aid the development of the real-world clinical system.

Liverpool Bds Entry Requirements

Below is the list of criteria expected from applicants interested in offering the bachelor of dental surgery program at any dental school in Liverpool.

However, the dentistry program in Liverpool has several courses under it with several names, these dental courses in Liverpool are offered on several levels which are:

  • Standard Entry Dentistry
  • Graduate Entry Dentistry
  • Dentistry with Pre-liminary year
  • Dentistry with a Gateway year

Admission Test For Liverpool Dental Schools

Most UK universities or higher institutions of education offering any Dentistry program make use of admission tests to evaluate applicants interested in any of its dental programs.

this admission test is in the form of:

  • UCAT
  • BMAT

UCAT stands for university clinical test, it was formerly known as UKCAT, this admission test is computer-based and it is widely used by most UK schools offering any dentistry program, including dental schools in Liverpool.

To see the full list of UK schools using the UCAT test as a base of evaluation for its applicant’s visit :


BMAT stands for biomedical admission test, this admission test has a duration of only two hours and it is used by most universities in Uk and the world at large.

Universities in UK offering dentistry also utilize this admission test in evaluating their applicants for any dental program.

To see the full list of UK schools using the BMAT test as a base of evaluation for its applicant’s visit :

Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements for Standard Entry Dentistry

The standard dentistry requirement is for international students interested in pursuing a dentistry degree and The standard dentistry program has a duration of 5 years which will result in the awarding of a dentistry degree, below is the list of requirements needed to enroll in the standard Entry dentistry program.

1. Degree Qualification for Recent Graduate

The degree qualification for recent graduates interested in studying any dentistry program at any Liverpool higher institution of education is that you must possess a degree in any subject with a minimum CGPA of  2.1.

2. A Level for Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements

International students who possess a minimum A level diploma results and are interested in any dentistry program in Liverpool are required to have a minimum of three distinctions (AAA or ABB) in three subjects in their A level result.

These three subjects having the A grade must be chemistry, Biology, and any other science subject.

3. General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE)

For GCSE holders interested in studying dentistry in any Liverpool higher institution of education you must possess a minimum of 7 GCSE results with each having a grade B or grade 6.

Subjects which are necessary to be included as part of 7 General certificates of secondary education results needed are mathematics, English and any science subjects.

Note: Vocational or Applied GCSE certificates are not accepted as part of Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements.

4. Admission Test for Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements

The recognized admission test for Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements for any Liverpool school offering any dentistry program is the University clinical test known as UCAT.

5. Personal Statement

One of the basic Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements is the personal statement which is aimed at knowing if the applicants have enough knowledge about the dentistry program and also to know if they have the required work experience.

6. International Baccalaureate

if you possess an international Baccalaureate you are expected to have a sum up of 36 points with at least 6 in advanced chemistry and biology in one sitting, after two years of study.

7. GCSE for Scottish nationals

Scotland students who have GCSE results must have a minimum of 8 GCSE results with at least 5 subjects having grade A/grade 7 and the remaining 3 subjects could be in grade B and above, these subjects must be mathematics, English, and any other science-related subject.

Note: Vocational or Applied GCSE certificates are not accepted as part of Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements.

8. Interview

A series of short interviews are also part of the Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements, applicants are being interviewed personally.

9. Work Experience

One of the basic and also crucial Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements is that applicants interested in any dentistry program must possess a good number of work experience in a local dental practice or in any hospital at any two or three recognized establishments.

10. Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements for Access to Higher Education Diploma certificate

Adult learners having the Access higher Education certificate should have left school for 5 years before applying for any dentistry program at any Liverpool school.

Applicants having Accesss to higher diploma certificate must have offered courses with 12 credits in chemistry and 12 credits in biology at level 3.

Adult learners interested in any dentistry program are indeed expected to have 45 credits in their level 3 during the Access to higher diploma certificate program.

In summary, adult learners must at least have an 80% pass rate in their Access to Higher Education certificate before being considered for admission into any dental program.

Dentistry requirements for Dentistry with a Gateway year

The Dentistry with a Gateway year program is for talented students who have issues in their education due to their demographic or educational set of conditions.

The Dentistry with a Gateway year program has a duration of six(6) years with the initial year having to be a foundational year and it is for UK students who have the required set of criteria needed for the admision.

  • Admission Test
  • Personal Interview
  • Work Experience
  • Personal Statement
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE)
1. Admission Test

to get into the Dentistry with a Gateway year program in any Liverpool dental school you really don’t need an admission test.

2. Personal Interview

applicants interested in dentistry with a Gateway year dental program are required to participate in a series of short personal interviews.

3. Work Experience

Candidates interested in dentistry with a gateway year dental program must show a reasonable amount of incitement towards a career in dentistry or dental therapy.

Students interested in this dental program are expected to show a reasonable amount of expertise with respect to their specific work experience in any local dental exercise or health center.

4. Personal Statement

Applicants interested in dentistry with a Gateway year program are required to submit a personal statement showing they have the required basic knowledge of their interested dental program.

5. General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE)

Applicants interested in participating in the Dentistry with a Gateway year dental program must have 5 GCSE subjects with a minimum of Grade B.

These 5 GCSE subjects must be Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, or physics, with any other additional science subjects.

Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements GCSE

The Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements GCSE is a list of expected criteria applicants awarded the general certificate of secondary education certificate must possess when applying for any dentistry program in Liverpool.

GCSE Requirements for standard Entry Dentistry

GCSE For international students:

international students who possess the GCSE certificate must have:

  • 7 GCSE certificates in core subjects with a minimum grade of grade 6/grade B.
  • GCSE Subjects like mathematics, English, and any science subjects must be included.

Note: Vocational or Applied GCSE certificates are not accepted as part of Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements.

GSCE For Scottish Nationals:

Applicants who are Scottish nationals who possess the general certificate of secondary education certificate must have.

  • a minimum of 8 GCSE results with at least 5 subjects having grade A/grade 7 and the remaining 3 subjects could be in grade B and above.
  • these subjects must be mathematics, English, and any other science-related subject.

Note: Vocational or Applied GCSE certificates are not accepted as part of Liverpool Dentistry Entry Requirements.

GCSE Requirements for Dentistry with a Gateway year

  • Applicants must have 5 GCSE subjects with a minimum of Grade B.
  • These 5 GCSE subjects must be Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, or physics, with any other additional science subjects.

University of Liverpool Dentistry Fees

The below tuition fee is for students interested in studying any dental program at the University of Liverpool.

  • University of Liverpool Dentistry tuition fees:37,100 Euro per year

see more information about the dentistry program at the University of Liverpool

We indeed hope this article was worth reading, feel free to comment below, and see more information about top universities and scholarships in Finland.

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