Most scholarships are awarded based on merit, meaning that the student has demonstrated excellence in their academic or extracurricular pursuits.

However, some scholarships are also need-based, meaning that the student’s financial situation is taken into account when awarding the scholarship.

In either case, it is always a good idea to send a thank you letter to the scholarship committee after you have been notified that you have received the scholarship.

There are a few key things to remember when writing a scholarship thank you letter.

First, be sure to express your gratitude for being awarded the scholarship. Second, if the scholarship is need-based, be sure to mention how helpful it will be in meeting your financial needs. Finally, if the scholarship is renewable, be sure to mention your plans for continuing to meet the requirements for renewal.

By taking the time to write a thank you letter, you will show the scholarship committee that you are appreciative of their support and that you are committed to making the most of the opportunity they have given you.

In this article, you will be guided on how to write a powerful thank scholarship thank you letter and all you’ll need to do in other to stand out from the rest. Read on…


It is important to write thank you letters to scholarship donors for a number of reasons.

  1. Scholarship thank you letter is a way of showing your appreciation for their support.
  2. Scholarship thank you letter reinforces the donor’s decision to award you the scholarship.
  3. A scholarship thank you letter is another opportunity for you to sell yourself as a worthy recipient of the scholarship.
  4. Scholarship thank you letter helps maintain a relationship with the donor which could be beneficial to you in the future.
  5. Scholarship thank you letter makes the donor feel good and appreciated, which could encourage them to support other students in the future.
  6. A scholarship thank you letter sets you apart from other scholarship recipients who may not have bothered to write a thank you letter.
  7. A scholarship thank you letter is a chance for you to express your gratitude in your own words.
  8. scholarship thank you letter is a way of showing that you are polite and grateful, two qualities that will reflect well on you and your future.
  9. A scholarship thank you letter is a way of demonstrating your commitment to the scholarship and your education.
  10. A scholarship thank you letter is simply the right thing to do. Writing a thank you letter is a small gesture that can make a big impression.



Writing a thank you letter after being awarded a scholarship is an important way to show your appreciation for the opportunity. A well-written thank you letter will not only express your gratitude but also demonstrate your willingness to make the most of the resources made available to you.

Here are some tips for writing an effective scholarship thank you letter:

  • Keep it short and to the point.

A thank you letter is not an essay; therefore, you should avoid writing lengthy paragraphs. Stick to the point and express your gratitude in a few sentences.

  • Be specific about what you are thanking them for.

Instead of simply saying “thank you for the scholarship,” explain how the scholarship will impact your life and education. For example, you might say “thank you for the scholarship that will allow me to attend XYZ University.”

  • Mention how you will use the scholarship.

In addition to expressing your gratitude, let the donor know how you plan to use the scholarship funds. This will show that you are committed to making the most of their investment in you.

  • Personalize your letter.

A thank you letter is not a formal letter; therefore, you should take the time to personalize each one. Address the letter to the specific individual or organization who awarded you the scholarship and mention their name throughout the letter.

  • Use proper grammar and spelling.

Remember that a thank you letter is a formal document; therefore, you should take care to use proper grammar and spelling. This will show the donor that you are taking their investment in you seriously.

  • Send your letter in a timely manner.

It is important to send your thank you letter in a timely manner; ideally, you should send it within a few weeks of receiving the scholarship. This will demonstrate your appreciation for their support.

  • Send a hard copy of your letter.

In today’s digital world, it is easy to forget that a handwritten letter can be more personal than an email. If possible, send a hard copy of your thank you letter to the scholarship donor.

  • Make sure your contact information is up to date.

Before you send your thank you letter, make sure that your contact information is up to date. This will ensure that the donor can reach you if they have any questions or want to stay in touch.

By following these tips, you can write an effective thank you letter that will express your gratitude and demonstrate your commitment to making the most of the scholarship opportunity.



It is not uncommon for students to overlook the importance of a scholarship thank you letter. However, taking the time to write a well-crafted letter can show your appreciation for the opportunity you have been given and solidify your relationship with the scholarship provider.

When writing your thank you letter, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to make a lasting impression.

  • Address the letter to the appropriate person or organization.

Make sure you take the time to find out to who you need to address the letter. The wrong name can give off the impression that you are not grateful for the opportunity or that you do not care about the details.

  • Keep the letter short and to the point.

Your scholarship provider does not want to read a long, drawn-out letter. They want to know that you are thankful for the opportunity and what you plan to do with the money. Be sure to thank them and let them know how you will use the funds before getting into any other details.

  • Personalize the letter.

A generic thank you letter will not make a good impression. Instead, take the time to personalize your letter by mentioning how the scholarship will impact your life or education. This will show that you are truly grateful for the opportunity.

  • Proofread the letter before sending it.

It is important to proofread your letter before sending it off. This will ensure that there are no typos or grammar errors. A well-written letter will make a much better impression than one with mistakes.

  • Send the letter in a timely manner.

Be sure to send your letter as soon as possible after receiving the news that you have been awarded the scholarship. The sooner you send it, the better impression you will make.

following these tips will help you write a great scholarship thank you letter that is sure to impress your scholarship provider. By taking the time to show your appreciation, you will strengthen your relationship with the organization and ensure that they remember you when future opportunities

  • Write in clear and simple terms.

  1. Thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration.
  2. Acknowledge that you are aware of the number of applicants and that you are honored to have been selected.
  3. Briefly state your academic and extracurricular achievements.
  4. Express your gratitude for the financial assistance that the scholarship will provide.
  5. Reiterate your commitment to using your education to better yourself and your community.
  • Look out for typographical and grammatical errors.

While it is perfectly acceptable to send a thank you letter that is handwritten, you should still be mindful of any potential errors. Typos and grammatical errors can make your letter look unprofessional and can reflect negatively on your scholarship award.

Make sure to include the date, your name, and the name of the scholarship program in your letter.

In your letter, be sure to express your gratitude for the award and mention how you plan to use the funds.

Be sure to proofread your letter before sending it off. This will help to ensure that there are no errors and that your letter sounds sincere.

  • Express enthusiasm.

Express your enthusiasm for the scholarship and for the opportunity to further your education. Thank the scholarship committee for their time and effort in selecting you as a recipient. reiterate your commitment to using the scholarship money wisely. Reaffirm your goals and aspirations. reiterate what you plan to do with your education once you have completed your studies. thank the donor for their generosity in funding the scholarship. Close by reiterating your gratitude for being selected as a recipient and your dedication to making the most of the opportunity.

  • Be sincere with your words.

Be sincere with your words. Thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration, and let them know that you are grateful for the opportunity. Explain how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals. Let them know what you plan to do with the money, and express your excitement about beginning your studies. Thank them again for their support, and let them know how much you appreciate their investment in your future.

Be sure to proofread your letter carefully before sending it off. Thank you letters are usually short, so there is no need to ramble on. Just a few well-chosen words will suffice. Be professional, courteous, and grateful, and you will be sure to make a good impression.

  • Have a friend review your letter before sending it out.

Have a friend review your letter before sending it out. They can help make sure your letter is properly formatted and that you’ve thanked the scholarship committee for their time and consideration.

Be sure to send your letter within a few weeks of receiving the scholarship award.



There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to send an email or a handwritten scholarship thank you letter. While email may be the more convenient option, a handwritten letter can often make a stronger impression.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you make your decision:

Email may be the more convenient option, but a handwritten letter can often make a stronger impression.

A handwritten letter can show that you are willing to take the time to sit down and write a personal message, which can mean a lot to the scholarship committee.

An email can sometimes come across as cold or impersonal, while a handwritten letter can seem more personal and sincere.

If you decide to send a handwritten letter, be sure to write legibly and use proper grammar and punctuation.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to send an email or a handwritten scholarship thank you letter is up to you. Consider what will work best for your situation and go with what you think will make the most impact.

Thank you letters are always appreciated, so no matter which option you choose, be sure to express your sincere gratitude for the award.



Writing a letter is easy and simple, but because we want you to create a good impression of yourself with your scholarship donor, we thought of taking you through how to format your thank you letters to make it worthwhile in the view of your donor.

  • Your letter should be typed in words and not in PDF format.
  • Don’t bother creating your own letterhead.
  • Do not include the award amount or imply they personally awarded you the scholarship; donors have no authority on who receives a scholarship. Rather, thank them for providing this important scholarship

Don’t forget to include:

    • Date
    • Address
    • Salutation
    • The body of the letter must include the purpose of the letter.
    • Complimentary close
    • Make it a one-page letter.
    • Don’t forget to address your letter to the appropriate donor or group in the salutation.
    • Include the scholarship name in the body of the letter


These outline how the thank you letters should look. You can edit and substitute their college’s name and specific scholarship organization’s information into the template to suit your own use.



Dear ____________,

Thank you so much for awarding me the ___________ scholarship. This award will help me immensely as I continue my studies at ___________. I am truly grateful for your support and generosity.

I promise to make the most of this opportunity and to use this scholarship to further my education and career goals. Thank you again for your investment in my future.


Your name ____________

Your address ____________

Your email ____________

Your phone number ____________



[Date] [Name of Scholarship] Donor

University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid

University of Utah

201 S 1460 E, Rm, 105

Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Dear [Name of Scholarship] Donor,

State the purpose of your letter.

As a recipient of the 2021-2022 [Name of Scholarship], I wanted to thank you for funding this scholarship.

Share something about yourself, and your goals, and indicate why the scholarship is important.

I will be a junior majoring in journalism here at the University of Utah this fall and I am on track to graduate in Spring 2017. My goal is to become an investigative reporter for one of the major television networks. Currently, I am a news reporter with the Utah Daily Chronicle and volunteer 20 hours a month at Primary Children’s Hospital. I also work 30 hours a week to help fund my education. Thanks to this scholarship, I will be able to reduce my work schedule and focus more on my studies.

Conclude by thanking the donor again.

Thank you again for your investment in the University of Utah and students like me. I hope to give back to the university someday and help a student reach their educational goals with a scholarship.


[Add your signature]

Your Name



Here are samples of thank you letters for scholarships you can tailor to suit your use.

[Date] [Mr./Mrs. First and Last Name of Donor or Name of Organization ] [Name of Scholarship] [Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Donor Name or Organization Name],

      • First paragraph: State the purpose of your letter.

I am writing to thank you for your generous $500 [Name of scholarship] scholarship. I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship.

      • Second paragraph: Share a little about yourself and indicate why the scholarship is important.

I am a biology major with an emphasis in physiology and anatomy. I plan to pursue a career in pharmacy upon graduating from Plymouth State. I am currently a junior carrying 17 units and plan to graduate in the fall of 2020. After graduation, I will attend a pharmacy school to earn my pharmaceutical degree. Thanks to you, I am one step closer to that goal.

      • Third paragraph: Close by thanking the person again and make a commitment to do well with the donor’s investment.

By awarding me the [Name of scholarship], you have lightened my financial burden, which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school: learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.


[Sign your name here]



It is always a good idea to write a thank you letter after receiving a scholarship. Not only is it polite, but it also shows your appreciation for the opportunity. A thank you letter should be short and to the point.

Be sure to express your thanks and let the donor know how the scholarship money will be used. Close with another expression of gratitude. Thank you letters are a great way to show your appreciation for the support you have received.

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