The Science Ambassador Scholarship is a program that is run by Cards Against Humanity. The scholarship funds young women in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics. Every year, a winner is selected from the pool of applicants and four runner-ups are awarded a compensation fee.

If you are a young lady in the United States who plans to major in any of the highlighted fields after high school, this wonderful opportunity is for you. Given that application does not open until the fall of 2022, you get the luxury of time to properly prepare your application before the portal is open for submissions.

The Science Ambassador Scholarship pledges to pay the full tuition of the winner of the award. The first and second runner-ups are awarded $5,000 and $2,500. The two runner-ups left are awarded $1,000 each to use for anything they desire.

The latest winner of the Science Ambassador Scholarship is Fiona Anstey who is an environmentalist with a plan to “repair mankind’s relationship with the environment and its creatures.” Kavya, Mia, Yiling, and Jenna came up behind her to clinch the other awards.



Science Ambassador Scholarship provides an avenue for women who are in high school or are enrolled as undergraduates in United States universities or colleges to shed light on a STEM topic they are passionate about.

To qualify as a finalist for the scholarship, an applicant is expected to be creative with the three-minute she has to record and be concise with them. When filming videos, candidates are expected to have properly researched the topic they are working on and to be perfect to the last detail.

Although the application for the Science Ambassador Scholarship has not commenced, you might want to take note that winners are to be announced in April 2023.



Science Ambassador Scholarship is sponsored by Cards Against Humanity, an adult party game where players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using words that are offensive. The game has been compared to the 1999 card game Apples to Apples, and while it originated from a Kickstarter campaign held in 2011, the game took its name to reflect its politically incorrect content.

Heavily influenced by the popular apple card game, it was initially named Cardenfreude. The name was later changed to Cards Against Humanity. The game was financed with a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign and influenced by a previous crowd-funded campaign for a book on Barack Obama’s campaign.



The Scholarship is open to women with an interest in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is tenable only in these fields.



The Scholarship is hosted in the United States for both citizens of the United States and for international students. Any female student who meets the basic requirements and is willing to study an undergraduate program in the United States or is currently studying one is eligible for the Science Ambassador Scholarship.



To qualify for the scholarship, you must meet the following requirements.

  • You must be interested in the field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
  • You must be a young lady.
  • Must be a high school senior or be enrolled in an undergraduate program in any relevant field in a university in the United States.
  • You must demonstrate conciseness, creativity, and leadership skills when making your presentation.
  • Must be proficient with the English Language.



The fund from the Science Ambassador Scholarship covers the full tuition for the winner of the competition. The runner-ups get $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, and $1,000 going from the first runner-up to the fourth.



Application for the Science Ambassador Scholarship has not commenced. It is however advisable that eligible young women who are willing to contest in the competition should follow the latest development through the website’s scholarship page.

Upon commencement of application, applicants will be required to record a video of themselves in a serene environment explaining a STEM topic they are passionate about. This video is key to winning Science Ambassador Scholarship; you might want to give it your best. The recorded video is expected to be below 3 minutes in length, concise, and creative. Videos exceeding the 3-minute mark will not be considered.

When choosing a STEM topic to make a mini-lecture on, applicants should take note their topic is not obligated to be the latest development in the Science world. Applicants have the franchise to pick a topic of their choice irrespective of how old it might be. The guideline states that applicants should pick a STEM topic that interests them the most; Hence, applicants should do just that.

To go over the synopsis on how to apply, your video should be:

  • A mini-lecture, not a personal statement. You may want to pretend you are a lecturer trying to make a concept known to the ever-attentive students.
  • Clear, creative, accurate, and demonstrate your passion for the subject. The board of Science Ambassador Scholarship values novel, memorable approaches to topics. Your video does not need to be fancy or high–tech. Production value is not a factor.
  • Three minutes or less in length. Videos longer than this will not be considered. No exceptions!
  • About any STEM topic, not necessarily your field of study. Pick a topic that excites and fascinates you.
  • Scientifically accurate. To make verification easier, applicants may want to add citations and documentation to their essays.
  • Uploaded to YouTube and marked ‘public.’ No exceptions!



No date has been selected as the deadline for the scholarship. However, the deadline will come before April 2023, as this is when the announcement of the winners of the Science Ambassador Scholarship will hold.

So as not to exceed the deadline, it is advisable that you subscribe to Science Ambassador Scholarship official website to know when the application commences here.



You can check out the previous winners of the Science Ambassador Scholarship by clicking here.



Science Ambassador Scholarship tests for creativity and passion for science. To win the scholarship, the tips highlighted here may prove vital.

  1. Be involved in science projects: Since the scholarship tests applicants on their passion for science, technology, and other related fields, getting experience early in the field gives you the advantage in the contest. As an undergraduate or a high school student, you can apply for internships at laboratories, industries, and research firms across the country to get the needed experience.
  2. Make a stellar video: Getting a quiet place where you will not be interrupted is a start. When you make your video, you have to show confidence and the right approach to passing the right information along to the board. You may also want to pronounce your words correctly; Doing this and having the right body expression give your video a big boost.
  3. Do your research: When you contest for this scholarship, ensure you are contesting to win the Science Ambassador Scholarship and not just to contest. A way to prove this is to give your all in your application. So before you begin to record the video, ensure you have your details from the research ready in your head. You do not want to give the board an idea that you are uneasy.
  4. Show your passion for the STEM topic you have picked: This goes a long way. You can show your passion through your enthusiasm to talk about the topic and the details you took note of.



The Science Ambassador Scholarship takes care of your whole tuition fee if you emerge as the winner of the contest. Runner-ups also get a handsome prize. Below are reasons you may want to give your all when making your presentation for the scholarship, both monetary and reasons beyond finances,

  1. The scholarship pays your expenses and reduces your need to work. The cost of living and education in the United States is as high as it could get in any other part of the world. When you emerge as a winner of the Science Ambassador Scholarship, you have no reason to work in that academic year, hence you can prepare even better for examinations and do exceptionally well in your academics.
  2. You may not need a student loan with the fund from the Science Ambassador Scholarship. This gives a huge boost after college because you will be debt-free out of college and you will not spend the early years of your career paying loans.
  3. You can pay for any expense using the fund from Science Ambassador Scholarship. This can be your tuition fee, or your housing fee, or meals. The award covers any expense you want to use it for.




Sponsors: Cards Against Humanity.

Departments: All departments.

Renewable: No.

Nationality: International.

Language requirement: Applicants must have a sufficient understanding of the English Language.



Science Ambassador Scholarship official website: Visit here.

Learn about Cards Against Humanity: Visit here.

Previous winners of the Science Ambassador Scholarship: Visit here.

Twitter profile: Visit here.



What is Science Ambassador Scholarship?

The Science Ambassador Scholarship is a program that is run by Cards Against Humanity. It provides an opportunity for young women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to show their enthusiasm in their field to the world.

Who is the sponsor of the Science Ambassador Scholarship?

Science Ambassador Scholarship is sponsored by Cards Against Humanity, an adult party game where players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using words that are offensive.

On what criteria are recipients of the award selected?

Candidates who applied for the Science Ambassador Scholarship are selected on the creativity and conciseness of their 3-minute presentation. It should be noted that a video longer than 3 minutes will be disqualified.

What is the worth of the award?

The award from the Science Ambassador Scholarship covers the entire tuition fee of the winner. For someone whose tuition fee is $20,000 per academic session, the award for the scholarship is this amount.

Do I have to be American to apply for Science Ambassador Scholarship?

No, Science Ambassador Scholarship is open to women in a given field from all over the world. To be eligible for the scholarship, an applicant will however need to plan to study in the United States.

Do I have to be a woman/lady to apply for the Scholarship?

Yes, the scholarship is open only to young ladies in high school and universities across the United States.

How many times can I apply for the scholarship?

There is no limit to how many times you can apply for the scholarship. Since it is open to high school seniors and undergraduates, you can apply as many as five times.

What time will the application for the Science Ambassador Scholarship commence?

Application for the Science Ambassador Scholarship is expected to begin in the fall of 2022 for the next academic session.

How do I apply for the Science Ambassador Scholarship?

You apply for the scholarship by making a 3-minute video of yourself explaining a STEM topic you are interested in. When you are done with the recording, you are to upload the video on YouTube using a hashtag that will be provided on the official website once the application starts.

What key things should I look out for when applying?

Conciseness, creativity, and scientific accuracy. When you make your speech, ensure you are as concise with your expressions as possible. You also have to watch out for the scientific accuracy of your facts and figures. This is why it is recommended you do thorough research before you record your video.

What are the benefits of winning the Science Ambassador Scholarship?

It pays your whole tuition. Moreover, you can use the award from Science Ambassador Scholarship for other things that are different from academics.

What field do I have to be to apply for the scholarship?

You have to be in one of Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics to be eligible for Science Ambassador Scholarship.

I did not attend high school in the United States, but I plan to attend a U.S. university, am I eligible for this scholarship?

You are only eligible when you are enrolled in a United States university because the Science Ambassador Scholarship is tenable only in the United States.

When picking a STEM topic to discuss, is it necessary it is a hot topic in Science?

No, it is not. You can pick any topic of your choice. When you pick one, however, ensure it is a topic you are enthusiastic about.



Science Ambassador Scholarship is a chance for young women in Science-related fields to teach a Science topic they are enthusiastic about to the rest of the world and to the panel of the Science Ambassador Scholarship.

The application for the scholarship has not begun. This presents intending applicants with the luxury of time to properly prepare before it is the fall of 2022.

They are to pick a topic of interest to them and make a 3-minute video on it. The overall winner gets his full tuition fee as a cash prize from the Science Ambassador Scholarship, while four runner-ups get between $5,000 and $1,000.

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